Origin: American Safari / Zoo animal
King in his own mind
Nomadic PrideMy cat's kinda crazy and in many a circle of friends is that "one crazy cat". DeLonté, while rather clever himself is somewhat over consumed by his diasporadical life. Never quite understanding oneself or their condition, they may act out in rather conflicting and dangerous ways. Without that pride, that sense of knowning and belonging, life is approached a lil' more vicariously. Delonté is not only discovering the shifting world around him, he may be in fact, discovering himself...albeit with a lil' bit of raucous.
“If we hit’em,” he said, “we better our status wit’da pride, and if we up that, up our standings and ratings… then...well, we da sh!t!”
“But, buddy, if we hit him – we gotta hit dis muthafu<ka hard ya’hear me!? “